Friday, December 21, 2007

牛仔虽然很忙, 可是我比牛仔还要忙...


上个星期天, 又是星期天, 又要早早起床教一班"豆靓"打架. 对,是教他们打架, 因为这是我的职业...没办法...
赶完两家学校后, 还要赶下一场, 因为今天是黑带考试, 所以我要去帮帮忙咯...
不帮就不帮, 一帮就要从两点帮到六点...
不要以为很得空了, 其实还要赶下一场的...
其实今晚也是我们众一班教练的慰劳宴, 以前都没有的, 今年可说是第一次...
考试结束后, 我回家冲一冲凉, 也顺便换一换驾我老爸的车(相信熟悉我的朋友都应该知道我车的情况...)
目的地也真的好远, 竟然在怡宝路的Dynasty Hotel...周末下坡真是不知道"塞"字是怎样写...
一个钟后, 终于到达了...到了之后就当然要找位子泊车了. 我看看四周都没有位子, 就干脆"铲"上酒店的泊车位. 那car park的斜坡也真够斜, 它那拿Ticket的机器也很强, 竟然放在斜坡+弯位...妈的...
那扑街carpark更劲, 窄到H那样...而且还要转到七楼才有位子. 上一楼要转两次, 那上到七楼就要转十四次, 转到我头都晕. 然后那弯位又窄, 只有一辆车的宽度...转了十四圈, 终于找到位子了. 由于我习惯 reverse parking 的, 可是那边非常的窄, 要推后前进两三次才进到...

终于停了车, 就搭电梯去餐厅了, 可是我却不知道在第几层, 所以就打电话给我的师夫问他在哪里, 他说在二楼, 刚好那电梯就到了G floor, 所以我就搭回同样的电梯上二楼. 谁知门一开, 竟然是carpark来的. 这是我才知道这个电梯只通去carpark, 所以就只好搭电梯回G floor, 再去酒店大厅搭另一个电梯上二楼...
电梯门一开, 才发觉这家餐厅的大门深锁..奇怪, 明明是二楼, 怎么门是锁着的呢? 这是我又领悟了一样东西, 原来我师夫说的二楼是从Ground floor算起, 所以是1st floor, 而不是 2nd floor...由于只相差一楼所以我就打算走楼梯下去, 可是却找不到楼梯, 反而去到了餐厅的厨房, 只好掉头再找...妈的, 那楼梯就在电梯的旁边, 可是它那门的颜色令我觉得它是橱多过像门...kanasai...
花了九牛二虎之力, 终于到达餐厅了...
那里的食物, 也不是好吃到那里, 属于普通. 算了, 有的吃也算好了, 还是自由餐来的...已经算不错了...
吃也吃完了, 是时候回家了...我去取车后, 又得转十四圈回到一楼..当我一到出口处给钱时, 车竟然自己死火了...还好start的着, 然后再继续上路...谁知, 刚刚到大路的路口, 车竟然又再度死火, 这次start不着了...然后后面又顶着人家, 所以就只好麻烦跟我车的朋友推一推车, 把车推在一边先, 避免阻碍到人家...这是我师夫一行人碰巧跟随在我后面, 就下车看看什么情况. 刚好我还有一个朋友有修理车的经验, 就帮我检查一下...电箱明明是新的, 就没可能是电箱坏的, 所以就怀疑是油闸坏了, 因为carburator没有油到...我试下再start一下,这次竟然start得到了..真是谢天谢地...

星期一, 没什么特别, 就帮我妈妈做饼咯, 毕竟我是个好孩子..哈哈..

星期二也是一样, 一整天都做饼....然后晚上竟然心血来潮想要看 I am Legend, 所以就约了ck 和汉龙出来看戏...这出戏还不错,可是却有人说不好看...看完戏后, 就去嘛嘛找锦和他们..就这样做到两点多了...

星期三终于到了...今晚康乐有pasar malam, 好久没去了...所以就打算一行人去pasar malam...我教完班后, 已经是九点半了, 然后就去载丽丽出来了...怎知道, 遇上road block, 塞车塞了十分钟...
载了丽丽后, 我还要赶去maluri交一些东西给pei pei...去了maluri后, 我打了一通电话给蚊, 他竟然走完回家了...接着我又打给ck, 他说去嘛嘛档...由于丽丽和我那班朋友不是很熟, 在加上他一个女生, 所以我就先载她回家, 再去找他们...晚上十一点半, 我终于坐下来享用我的晚餐了...吃完后, 他们竟然说要去battle...battle 完后, 竟然三点钟了...呜呜呜...

星期四, 也是一样白天帮妈妈做饼. 然后我也突然心血来潮帮我头发换换颜色. 接着Kam Hei 约我们晚上在老地方见面. 他说要谈一谈这个星期六 Sungai Gabai 的事...其实没什么好谈的, 只是讨论关于吃的罢了. 最后决定............又是"打边炉".....妈的, 人家去野外野餐我们竟然"打边炉", 上次爬山也是"打边炉一锅熟"...谈论完毕后, 他们竟然手痒又要去battle...这次还好, 只打到两点多...

星期五也不例外, 也是帮妈妈做饼....好闷....
晚上时刻, 丽丽无端端约我去吃糖水...奇怪, 我们平时都没有吃糖水的习惯, 怎么今天突然心血来潮呢? 那就只好赴约了...锦和也通知我他们待会儿会去"决战"...我先去吃糖水, 再去决战. 真是妙计...
哈哈...这次约会有蚊, 饼, 和丽丽..雨下进行约会的一点都不浪漫, 他妈的雨伞竟然漏水...蚊坐不够二十分钟就"撇"下我们...剩下我, 饼, 和丽坐在那里, 也顺便计划圣诞夜要搞些什么东西...饼竟然为圣诞礼物而烦, 哈哈....接着又去battle了...好凄凉, 天天都打机...TT

我真的好忙...再加上又要开学了, 到时候会更加忙了...呜呜呜TT

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Very busy recently...Until i dun have time to update this bloggie...

Ok since now im free abit so im here to update wat im doing recently lor...

Last saturday, 8/12/2007 was Mr. Nantak's wedding, so after my class at 6.30 pm i have to rush to that dinner venue at Kepong there since the wedding start at 8 pm...
That day was saturday night, so of course got a lot of ppl rush to city center to wet...
Traffic jam la dai lou...
When i reach to that place aledi 8 something liao...I thought im the 1 who late...
but once i step in to that wedding hall...kanasai...only got a few kittens at de...
The invitation card there writen start at 8.00 pm sharp, but no ppl at there...
I thought only chinese will play late...but yuan lai indian also very late...kanasai...
The clock is showing 9 pm..Finally, the dinner start...
Only have a few of foods is serving, curry is compulsory, so got only two types of rice, chicken and mutton curry and etc...
After the dinner, i feel like very sien, but dun want so fast go home first, so i take MRR2 to Ampang and go to Look Out Point and take a look lo, since i 8 years din go there liao...

So beautiful...

After that few days i have to busy for my resit exam le, study liao few days, also dunno what im studying...haiz...

Tuesday that time my old fren Mr. Loong is coming back from UK for christmas holiday..welcome he back to malaysia...Once he come back to here den call us gather that time to blow water...but i really cant leh because the next time i got have to delay to the next day lo..really sorry...

Wednesday was my exam day..haiz...sad thing...
That night my heng dai call me to lim teh, Since i aledi finish my exam liao, of course is coming out de lor..haha..den they all say wanna watch new movie 投名状 at 11 pm..When watching that time leelee sms me, she ask me whether Thursday free anot to accompany her buy something at times square den shun bian watch movie lor..Den i ma accept her invitation lo so can dating with her...haha...After finish that movie aledi is 1 am liao..conclusion, that movie is quite touching...

Thursday, is the day to dating with leelee..wakakaka...She aledi reach times square very long liao, at first i say wait at the main entrance starbucks there..but i late liao so she change a place to wait lo since she byt ticket movie first...Den she say wait at upper 1 floor of the starbucks. But, there are 3 Starbuckses in Time square..finally i found her le...haha... Watch movie again, 12pm The Golden Compass, the beggining there quite sien but at middle there quite ok...but kanasai, the story until halfway only, so have to wait for the 2nd part of the movie...
After movie session, den she have to buy thing for her sister, den pei her shop lo...After finish her thing, aledi 3 something liao..hungry leh...So ma go find someting to eat lo..den finally eat at Times Square gasoline...Times square gasoline, haiz...The service is teribble..kanasai...nobody serve us although we sat there for 10 minutes d...kanasai...I call 1 of the leng lui waitress come here den only she come and serve us...Luckily still have some leng lui waitress if not i sure will complaint them...After finish our meal, den we go Low Yat there walk walk since i have to survey something..After finish aledi is 5 pm liao...Like that den we finish our pak tor day fast..haha..but ak tor for 1 day only oh..
After send her back home, i have to rush for my next destination at Sungai long there because i promise my Sifu to help him fix the light effect for his event...Just some simple job just need to set up some spot light...after finish, aledi 9.30pm liao, i still need to rush to my next destination at cheras there to meet up some gathering with my heng dai...I went back home to bath first den only i go pick Justin up...After finish blowing water, den the ysay wanna go CC, den we ma go lo cos also long time din go liao...After finish playing, aledi 3 am liao..Yesterday 1 am, den now 3 am...wat a good time...

Friday, cant go out to wet liao, because i need to help my mom to make cookies...After finish aledi 7 pm tired...After i bath and bought my parents dinner, den i go to my aunty hse to take something to my 2 姨妈...Both of my 姨妈 also live at same street at damai perdana there...At first i find my 三姨妈. The first question she ask me which is: Y i so that slim liao? But i also no that slim jeh some more my 三姨妈only 3 weeks din saw me.. After that i go to my 二姨妈hse, but my 姨丈open the door...he seems like cant recognize me, because once he open the door he keep on looking at me but din say anything...just look at me...den i say: im juen sern la..
den only he know who i am...den wat i zha dao de is he said:我认不出你..."=_=... Come on leh we just din meet for 3 weeks only lor...den my 姨妈also ask me the same question: Y i so slim liao de? Haiz...
After that i went to my sifu there to take a look for his event since he invite me to go there..
Actually this is an annual event for his Taska..there are small kids who cute..haha...After that i meet up with my heng dai again at Connaught maideen...War at Cc again...haiz...After finsh aledi is 3 am liao, den they say hungry wanna eat...After eat, i reach home by 5 1 am, thurs 3 am, now is 5 good...

Today i also helping my mom make cookies..
den after that i went to my 姑姐hse to take something...
After reach home..until now...aledi 3 am liao..
I think is the time to say good night again since tomoro have to wake up early...

Tomoro Sunday is a busy day again...

Monday, December 10, 2007

New laptop...

No la i havent buy...
just see who got any suggestion...
If got any suggestion or opinion pls tell me la...
Lenovo laptop good anot de ma?

Friday, December 7, 2007


2 months ago in a morning, my dad was strike by stroke...

The main reason why he stroke is because his high cholestrol in his blood, so the cholestrol accumulate in his brain and this caused him stroke...

If the cholestrol accumulate in his heart, heart attack will come anytime...

Thats y almost all of the food also emphasize on cholestrol free lo...

After my dad incident, our family daily meal has change a lot...

For 2 months, almost everyday also eat vegetables, for lunch and dinner all is vege or bean, if got meat also got fish only...everyday 2 or 3 types vege...den eat fruits everyday...

2 months later...

all my family member also slim down liao...
my dad's tummy is so small now, compare with last time..
all his pants also very loose..
my mom told me she lose 5 kg...
and my self,
all my close fren also know last year i suddenly lost10 kgs liao...
den recently i lose another 2 kg again...
now 58 kgs...
last year i still remember im 70 kgs,
thanks to 1 of my fren, chen kok who bring me go for vegetarian lunch everyday when working...
for 3 months everyday eat vegetarian lunch, i lose liao 10 kgs..

if my sister could join our meal together also good de...

oh ya, i found an old pants yesterday night...
this is how i look like when i wear my old pants...

so damn loose...

Math exam...

Next wednesday...

i ad calculate, since my coursework mark is 21/40...
if i want to get a D, i need to get at least 32/100 in final...
if i want to get a C, i need to get at least 50/100 in final...
if i want to get a B, i need to get at least 65/100 in final...
if i want to get a A, i need to get at least 98/100 in final...

for me, A is impossible, i only can hope for C and B...

May god bless me...

Wat a rainy day...

Today whole day also turun dog shit...
what a bad weather....

As i mention before, next wednesday is my exam..
So exam must have exam slip only can exam de...
So today i went to utar setapak to collect my exam slip...

Raining...i hate raining when im drinve my car...because my car got no air-cond.. not because of hot, is because the difference of the temperature between inside and outside, since inside the car is hotter and outside temperature is cooler, hence, mist will produced inside the car and block my vision...

To get my self to setapak, i must take the highway which i hate the most, MRR2..y i hate this highway so much ah, because of the stupid flyover design at pandan indah stupid...
and today, MRR2 traffic jam again because of that stupid flyover, get my self stucking at there for 15 minutes...some more is rainy day and inside my car without aircond...
after, that stupid flyover, i saw a traffic jam at opposite direction..
Say until matter from where u go to setapak also will jam...
From MRR2, jam...
From Jalan Genting Kelang, jam...
From Ampang, jam...
haiz...what an unstrategic location...

After i collect my thing, i have to get myself to my next destination, PJ, because i have an appointment...But at that time aledi 2.45pm and my appointment was at 3.00pm...izzit possible to get my self to pj from setapak within 15 minutes?

Genting Kelang sure jam like hell since it is raining i take some alternative road from ktar and avoid all the jam and make my self to Jalan Gombak, SMK Chung Hua there, and den take Jalan Tun Razak and proceed to Jalan Mahameru to Jalan Damansara, all the way until Jalan Syed Putra den finally reach mid valley there...what a long journey...

When come to Federal highway, this is the highway i second hate...Traffic jam...haiz...
I need to go Asia Jaya lrt there since my appointment is nearby that place...
Finally, it takes me 30 minutes to reach that place from setapak...

After that appointment, aledi 5 pm liao...haizz...traffic jam at federal highway again...
Stuck in federal highway for 40 minutes...haizz...
Luckily when come back to connaught that time no traffic jam...

What a tired traffic jam journey....

I like to drive, but i dun like to jam(I think nobody will like it gua)...
I like to drive and discover new road..
I got a very weird hobby which is studying map..haha...
I like to avoid tolls, but sometime is wasting time...
If someone is interesting in how to avoid all the tolls when going to klia, can let me know, i will teach u how to go...haha...
Maybe i should go for a taxi license...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

True Friend test...

Thanks to numoh's 1+1=3 question...
Hence i also created this...
See how many quetion u can answer lo...

Create your own Friend Test here

Good luck...

Why create a new blog again?

I also dunno why....
Just recently saw a lot of ppl blogging in blogger..
hence, i also created 1 for fun...

As i said before, all also because of 1 word, shuang...
I shuang mar...
U shuang anot?